
Lansky Universal 4 Stone System

Lansky Universal 4 Stone System
Lansky Universal Control Dongle Sharpening System Features: Serrated medium horn: For sharpening serations Coarse red whetstone: (120 grit) for re-adjusting the edge. Medium Green Horn: (280 Grit) Sharpness and less frequent correction Fine Blue Horn: (600 Grit) Maintain sharp blade paper slices with the most frequent touch up Honing Oil: Specially formulated for sharpening Easy to use multi-angle clamp: holds blade firmly Guide rod:1 for all horns It is designed to give the blade a professional razor sharp blade regardless of the sharpening capabilities. Perfect for beginners and advanced users. The original legendary control angle system is the ultimate in knife sharpening technology. The Lansky Controlled-Angle sharpening system allows you to choose the sharpening angle that best suits your knife application. 4 sharpening angles and their applications are listed below. 17° Angle- Intense angle recommended for razor blades, fillet knives, or similar tools. Very sharp but delicate edges. 20° Angle- The angle commonly used for high-quality blades, provides excellent edge for kitchen cutlery and slicing knives. 25° Angle - Recommended angle for most knives that require a durable sharp blade Great for hunting and outdoor knives. 30° Angle - Stand angle for cutting cardboard, rope and carpet. Ideal for heavy-duty use. Usage: The knife clamp included in the system stabilizes the knife and holds the angle guide safely and securely, allowing the user to achieve the desired angle for each sharpener stroke. Coarse to Fine whetstone provides a wide range of grit for complete edge care and maintenance. Serrated sharpening horns also allow for sharpening serrated knives with this system. Lansky system is perfect for outdoor sports, kitchen knives, workshop knives, and a wide range of accessories. Produced for over 40 years, Lansky sharpening systems are the best and preferred sharpening system for DIY and cutlery enthusiasts around the world.

Color coated finger groove safety holder sharpener
1 guide rod per honing stone
Special Formulated Honing Oil
Extra long knife clamp screws
Item Model
Technical Specification
Model Number: ‎LKUNV
Batteries Included: ‎No
Target Audience: ‎Male, Adults
Product Dimensions: ‎26.04 x 24.77 x 3.81 cm; 300 g
Brand: Lansky
All Variant
Size Variations
Colour Variations
Variation Details

Reviewed in Canada on November 28, 2013

I have tried using traditional sharpening stones on my knives with varying degrees of success. I found it hard to maintain the right angle for various types of knives and ruined a few so I was excited to give this system a try. It will put a great edge on a knife but as it can be a little challenging to get the correct motion I would suggest watching the how-to video on their website and starting with a knife you don’t care much for. All in all a good buy and I will be purchasing the ultra-fine hone and leather strop to try for the perfect edge.

Reviewed in Canada on November 28, 2013

I have tried using traditional sharpening stones on my knives with varying degrees of success. I found it hard to maintain the right angle for various types of knives and ruined a few so I was excited to give this system a try. It will put a great edge on a knife but as it can be a little challenging to get the correct motion I would suggest watching the how-to video on their website and starting with a knife you don’t care much for. All in all a good buy and I will be purchasing the ultra-fine hone and leather strop to try for the perfect edge.

Reviewed in Canada on May 16, 2017

Really good knife sharpening system easy to use and keeps you on the right angle for the blade being sharpened. I ordered the stone type hones but I will order 1 diamond course hone for changing blade edge angles also harder blades to help speed things up, and then finish them with the stone's. Ordered on May11 and it came in the mail on May15 fast shipping. Would recommend 100%. Thanks Breezy

Reviewed in Canada on May 16, 2017

Really good knife sharpening system easy to use and keeps you on the right angle for the blade being sharpened. I ordered the stone type hones but I will order 1 diamond course hone for changing blade edge angles also harder blades to help speed things up, and then finish them with the stone's. Ordered on May11 and it came in the mail on May15 fast shipping. Would recommend 100%. Thanks Breezy

Reviewed in Mexico on April 6, 2019

Muy buen producto, otorga excelente filo. Solo hay que tener cuidado cuando el ángulo del cuchillo es muy robusto, se tiene que dar infinitas pasadas para eliminar y crear un ángulo más agudo, las piedras son pequeñas, recomiendo usarlo solo cuando es un cuchillo ya con algo de filo.

Reviewed in Mexico on April 6, 2019

Muy buen producto, otorga excelente filo. Solo hay que tener cuidado cuando el ángulo del cuchillo es muy robusto, se tiene que dar infinitas pasadas para eliminar y crear un ángulo más agudo, las piedras son pequeñas, recomiendo usarlo solo cuando es un cuchillo ya con algo de filo.

Reviewed in Mexico on March 5, 2019

Si queremos filos perfectos, este tipo de sistemas lo garantizan. Manteniendo en todo momento el ángulo deseado (con algunos ajustes dependiendo la forma y tamaño del filo).Lo recomiendo

Reviewed in Mexico on March 5, 2019

Si queremos filos perfectos, este tipo de sistemas lo garantizan. Manteniendo en todo momento el ángulo deseado (con algunos ajustes dependiendo la forma y tamaño del filo).Lo recomiendo

Reviewed in Canada on June 5, 2020

Great ads of this product on-line. I bought it because of them. In reality, didn't make my knives any sharper than basic sharpeners I had before.

Reviewed in Canada on June 5, 2020

Great ads of this product on-line. I bought it because of them. In reality, didn't make my knives any sharper than basic sharpeners I had before.

Reviewed in Canada on November 27, 2018

My first experience with a sharpening system capable of consistent and repeatable sharping angles. I also bought the c clamp and it helps. For razor sharp, also get a leather.

Reviewed in Canada on November 27, 2018

My first experience with a sharpening system capable of consistent and repeatable sharping angles. I also bought the c clamp and it helps. For razor sharp, also get a leather.

Reviewed in Canada on September 8, 2014

It seemed like a straight forward sharpening system for a person who has never successfully sharpens knifes in the past. So far the result have been excellent. All the knife, including the aerated knife have a good cutting edge on them again. All the knives I have sharpened before have thanked me for getting this.

Reviewed in Canada on September 8, 2014

It seemed like a straight forward sharpening system for a person who has never successfully sharpens knifes in the past. So far the result have been excellent. All the knife, including the aerated knife have a good cutting edge on them again. All the knives I have sharpened before have thanked me for getting this.

Reviewed in Canada on December 10, 2017

-This product is great once i received it i sharpened a variety of tools such as folding knives, fixed blades, and even my camp axe as its a full tang style and only ran into an issue with my heirloom hunting knife as the blade has no parallel sections (kind of triangular) so fixating it into the clamp was difficult.-Finger knobs are okay but id prefer plain screws-Serrated medium hone works well enough-Kit is lightweight and portable

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